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A More Personalized Approach to Women's Wellness

Understanding that your health is not an expenditure, but an investment, is a fundamental shift in perception that can revolutionize your wellness. By investing time and resources into your health today, you can transform your vitality and overall wellness, reducing risks of future ailments and enhancing quality of life. Your health is the platform on which all other aspects of your life are built.

Led by our Board-Certified Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, we offer an exceptional, personalized approach to your care in a relaxing, welcoming environment that is unlike anything you've experienced

in a medical office before.

We look forward to welcoming you into a partnership that is designed to guide you

on a path towards achieving your health goals.

What to Expect:

What a typical patient experience looks like:


Comprehensive Lab Work

You'll begin your journey to better health here with your initial comprehensive lab draw. For this short appointment we ask that you fast (no food or drink other than water) for at least 8 hours prior to this appointment. Your initial consultation with Erin will then be scheduled for a future date, typically within one week.  


Initial Consultation

Next you'll return to our office for your consultation in which you'll meet with Erin, who will focus on understanding your concerns, your detailed medical history, then review the results of your lab work and discuss the best course of treatment based on your unique needs. Please note, if you are over age 40, a recent mammogram will be required to start hormone therapy.  


First Follow Up Visit

One month after your program start, we'll conduct your first follow up visit to ensure you are progressing and starting to feel the benefits (and symptom relief) that will come with balancing your hormones, along with focusing on the the lifestyle changes you're engaging in to optimize your overall wellness. 


On-Going Support and Guidance

Follow- up appointments will vary based on your specific needs and program goals, but rest assured we are here for you every step of the way for those moments in between. 

Now offering telehealth consultations for weight loss and hormone replacement

for Tennessee patients!

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